Sunday, January 10, 2010

Take it From Me

I've been sick for the past week. I admit, I put off going to the doctor because I kept thinking I would get better. We've all done that, right? Well, I finally go and think that, because I'm a nurse, the doctor can trust that I know what I'm talking about and am not just trying to cop a thrill by whining about my illness. I mean, really! I don't enjoy being sick. Anyway, I describe my symptoms and ask for his professional opinion. "Don't you think I need some antibiotics?" "No," he says. "This is viral. You need rest and fluids and you'll be fine."

Now, I'd like to argue, but I'm thinking this is a professional physician, who has listened attentively to what I've said and he's given his honest opinion. Yeah right. I think he was in a hurry to get to the next exam room. And as I was in a hurry to get to an interview, I allowed it to slip by without a comment. So now, it's two days later, I'm sicker than I was, I have lost my voice, and been forced to call in sick to work. I somehow feel if I'd pressed for the antibiotics, I would have started feeling better and not lost my voice.

And don't get me started on the cough medicine. It's Hycodan. It has codeine in it. Take one teaspoon every 4 to 6 hours for cough, the label reads. Nice. Except it doesn't work. I tried that. I tried that all night for the first night before giving up and sucking down a bag of Halls. So today, a nurse friend of mine suggests that I either, be more liberal in my dosing or ask for something stronger. As I can't talk, I opted for the liberal dosing. You're seeing the edited version of this. Ha, I've fallen asleep once while typing.

I guessed I'm "morally outraged" by healthcare's stubborn insistence to ignore the patient's opinion and insights. I'm a nurse, I know I do it too. But when the shoes on the other foot, it pisses me off. I don't seek drugs. I don't waste my doctor's time with hypochondria. I am compliant with my meds. I am honestly looking for helpful advice. Why do I get lumped in with the drug-seeking lay-abouts who line his office? Perhaps it is the physicians code of not listening to nurses? Whatever the reason, I am sitting here with nasal cavities crammed full of snot (that's greeny brown), a nasty cough that occasionally makes me gag and vomit, and no voice to scream about the injustice of it all. Hence the post. No real point. Just felt like bitching.